Who would you choose?...
Synopsis: Rin Tsuchimi is a typical teenager living with his childhood friend, cute Kaede, who's only goal in life is to take care of him. Everything seems to be going great for Rin, until two new transfer students join his class. Both are cute, and both are here to win his heart and marry him! As if that wasn't enough, one is from the demon world and one from the god world. Depending on who he chooses he could be the next king of the demons or gods!
Review: Normally I know exactly what I want to say before I'm even done watching a show. However, I have had a very difficult time writing this review. I've started over numerous times and scrapped many rough drafts. I have not had problems writing because Shuffle! is a bad show, it's actually really good. Every time I write the review for Shuffle! it sounds overall negative, so hopefully this one does not seem that way.
Cliches. Every anime has cliches, some do them well and some don't; and if anyone has spent a decent time watching anime you know the common cliches. Shuffle! has its fair share of cliches and archetype characters throughout the show, but it does them pretty well. The main characters each have their own back story and their own depth. We don't get stuck with a large ensemble cast that are all fluff and no heart. The show spends a few episodes with each girl; giving her back story, explaining why she loves Rin, and adding the depth to the character.
Shuffle! is very story and character driven. It starts as a funny romance/harem but later shifts gears to a more serious romance. The stories behind all the characters play into the central story, giving each episode a purpose and significance. There are a couple episodes that wander a little and seemed drawn out to me, but it picks right back up after. One thing I noticed, the humor is well placed. It never distracts, ruins, or draws away from a serious moment and even the funny guy is serious when the scene demands it. Also, the humor is funny; it's not just there for gags or just to be there for the heck of it.
There is nothing special about the animation, its pretty simple and typical to this type of show. The soundtrack is decent, they actually use sound effects throughout in the background. It may be hard to notice but there are some repeating sounds that seem associated with certain characters and their back story. I really enjoyed the parts where Nerine and Lycoris sing. The voice actress who does their voices, Haruka Nagami, has a beautiful singing voice.
I highly recommend watching Shuffle!. It is a show with many themes; harem, ecchi, fanservice, yandere, romance, comedy, drama, and supernatural. It has many archetypes and cliches, but they're easily overlooked and well done. The animation is simple, the soundtrack decent, and the story is great. If you watch it for the story alone you will not be disappointed, I guarantee.
Shuffle! -- A- nudity, fanservice, adult themes, comedic violence
PS There is an alternate retelling called Shuffle! Memories, this is a retelling of the original with one extra episode (12 epsiodes total). It was not released outside of Japan, though there are fan subs available.