Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Personal Update 11-20-12

     A lot has been going on recently.  Presidential election is over, Thanksgiving is peeking around the corner, Black Friday is looming on the other side, and Christmas music is already playing in stores!  It seems the Holidays are coming quicker than I can prepare for.  I'm not even able to go shopping on Black Friday, that's where I usually get all the Christmas presents (and a couple goodies for myself).  I hope you all are better prepared than me.

     I've been watching a lot of anime.  I am currently simulcasting two shows, watching two or three more on dvd or blu-ray, and have plenty on the back queue.  I have added a little "current projects" tab on the side of the site so everyone can see what I'm watching and what is up next.  If you are in the mobile version you will not see what I'm talking about, sorry.  I've also bought five or six shows in the past two weeks, some that I've partially seen and some I know nothing about really.  My goal is to produce one review a week and currently I'm a little ahead of schedule.  As long as I can stay a couple weeks ahead I should be able to give you all a new review each week. (fingers crossed)

     Also besides anime, I do play games regularly.  I have been playing MoH:W, Max Payne 3, and am currently working on platinum for Dynasty Warriors 7.  I'm also trying to platinum Medal of Honor Warfighter, this requires some multi-player grinding though.  I have been playing some other games, but just a little bit here and there in between the others.  I do have a milestone coming up, 1000 trophies.  I currently (at the time of this writing) have 993 trophies.  'Tis a big deal for me, never thought I'd get that high.

     Well that's what I've been up to.  Hope everyone out there is doing well and staying safe during the Holidays.  Feel free to email me, or if you play PS3 hit me up there (just explain where you're from).  Be sure to listen to the podcast I'm on weekly, The Dragon Cast.  We had an exciting guest speaker on episode 011; Chase, a video game developer.  He is currently working on a game called ForgeQuestRPG.  Also episode 009 is full of some random, quirky and funny stuff.

follow me on twitter @whitelodoss
listen to the podcast #TheDragonCast

email the site at blacklodoss@gmail.com

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