What else have I been doing? Well I've been playing some games as usual. I've started the first Mass Effect for PS3. I bought the new Mass Effect Trilogy when it came out, a good deal for sixty dollars. I also bought the Silent Hill HD Collection but have not had a chance to start that yet. Spent quite a bit of time in online multi-player for MoH:W too. Of course there are other games I play a little here and there, but that's too much to list.
Keep checking out the podcast I'm on, The Dragon Cast. We have split the episodes into two parts now, games and anime. A couple simulcast anime we've been reviewing weekly are ending when 2012 ends so we'll be picking up some new ones to talk about. We talked a little about the VGA 10 in episode 015. We also got some neat new guests in upcoming episodes and a few new topics.

Keep an eye out for the reviews this week. Email me for hate, criticism, or tips. I love to hear from you all.
follow me on twitter @whitelodoss
listen to the podcast #The Dragon Cast
email me blacklodoss@gmail.com
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