My first personal update of 2013, and my first one in a long while. I took an unplanned and unscheduled "vacation" from posting reviews (or anything for that matter) on my site here. So after a long absence, I'm back! I was always taught to not return from a long absence empty handed, so I made sure to bring a suitcase full of reviews for everyone. I've posted one reveiw previous to this post, and will have another one for you later this week. Happiness! was a short decent show, check out the review for more details.

This is supposed to be an update so I'll give you an update, on what I've been doing with my time. I've said it before, but I'm a hardcore gamer... so I put in alot of gaming time over the past few months. As any of you gamers out there know, the holiday season is ripe with new games, both AAA titles and under-the-radar gems too. I spent quite awhile in
Hitman Absolution, earning the platinum in the end. A great game, and a great addition to that franchise. Shortly after that I got into a platinum trophy race, my goal was to have ten platinums by the end of February. I did not reach my goal, having a grand total of 8 but I was still happy with the outcome. I was held back by a couple extra days, working my way through
Socom 4 campaign on elite difficulty (no easy task). I also picked up
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, the game from Level 5 and Studio Ghibli. Let me say, any fans of Ghibli and RPGs... this is a must buy. Most recently I'm playing the new
Tomb Raider which is a fantastic reboot of the franchise with a sexy new Lara.

As for anime... Of course the great
Sword Art Online has finished (though here's hoping for a second season). It was a fantastic show through and through. Also,
Say I Love You finished since my last update. This was a more serious romance/love show, but had a very realistic feel to it; both in animation and story. I have watched many many shows through the months and as I said earlier I have made sure to keep at the reviews. I am currently simulcast-ing:
Oreshura, Kotoura-san, and
Maoyu. All three of these are excellent shows and I talk about them weekly on the podcast,
The Dragon Cast.
Well I'll end off my update there. Be sure to send me any questions you may have. Check out the podcast I co-host, we talk about video games and anime both. I put a link tab at the top of the page,
The Dragon Cast. Follow us on twitter too. Of course you can follow me there also, if you may so wish.
Thanks for stopping by, talk to you soon!
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